Sunday, January 10, 2010

Water, Words and Wounds

This morning I referenced the research of Masaru Emoto. An number of folks were interested in looking further into his work with words, water, crystal formation, and the subtle impact of thoughts (yes thoughts) on the world we live in. Here it is:
Emoto, Masaru, "The Hidden Messages in Water," translated by David Thayne, c. 2004, Beyond Words Publishing, Oregon

Here are some photos of crystals formed on the surface tension of water held at 23 degrees Fahrenheit after being exposed to music, the first of beautiful harmonies, the other of rough and ragged rock.

Water exposed to Mozart prior to freezing

Water exposed to heavy metal prior to freezing

This is the impact of energy on the natural environment. Think what impact our words and our energy has physically on those around us. We can either heal or hurt.

"Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.” James 3:10


  1. I like your blog. It's short and to the point...something worth thinking about.

  2. John,
    I just opened your lovely letter, googled your name and found your blog. Please know that the grace of YOUR words has touched me today and will therefore have an effect on my work here at McCormick. Thanks for practicing what you blog!
