Sunday, December 27, 2009

Something New

This blogging thing is new to me. Where I have felt somewhat tech savy on most things, I have to admit I suffer from the same complacency many of us do when we read a state of equilibrium. So, I've been happy enough to handle email, websites, the database and network stuff, that I haven't ventured into the newer social networking avenues of FaceBook, Twitter, Skype and blogging.

I guess a lot of us have the same tendency. We find a state of equilibrium, feel a degree of contentment, and then slowly resign from exploring new options and opportunities. This may be fine in some instance, but in an ever changing world, it can be disastrous. And think further what such equilibrium complacency become the standard of our faith development in an evey chaning world. We are likely to not only become stagnant, but also declining in our relationship with God and our effectiveness in ministry. Ouch.

So as we enter a new year, why not make it a point to push ourselves a bit into something that challenges us to experience new avenues of ministry and faith.

Blessings my friends. Let me know what challenging thing you are trying.


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