Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I had an interesting comment on the last posting:

"Equilibrium...I think I'm often striving to reach a place a equilibrium, where I feel balanced, where conflicts are resolved ... it seems it would be a good thing...but then complacency and stagnation do follow."

Maybe the equilibrium we need is between stress and calm; a point where life challenges don't overwhelm, but are just enough to keep inspire us with curiosity, excitement and enthusiasm. A comment to me from a psychologist, Dr. Scott Peck, was that we are stress seeking animals. As much as we yearn for calm, it is not long before we are out creating chaos. And yet, who would not agree that in the midst of chaos we yearn for calm. Maybe this is the equilibrium, a balance between the calm and the chaos.

Jesus himself certainly didn't have a life of calm. He was in demand. Crowds often surrounded him. Authorities were constantly harassing him. He didn't always get along with his disciples, and when he did, they didn't always understand him. He apparently had a temper and got into arguments in the temple.

Still, Jesus lived an equilibrium of calm by also retreating to mountaintops, vacationing in the northern provinces away from the crowds, taking private time with his disciples, and of course praying.

That might be the wisdom for living. As certainly as our world will deal unto us chaos and stress, and as much as we may be animals that seek it, so too our day needs the private, personal moments of contemplation, conversation and calm.

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